Violence in different forms, especially against women and children is so deep rooted in our society that some accept it as a natural way of living. SJMKS runs interventions in such sections to improve the quality of living and support victims to overcome trauma of such horrendous practice.
We have worked in different regions for women empowerment over the last 20 years and have conducted series of programs, workshops and seminars to find out practical solutions that could be taken to handle this evil.

It was the incident of cruel gang rape of a medical student in Delhi on 16th December 2012 that brought the reality of ‘violence against women’ in limelight. Through media, the sad news spread all over the world and strong reactions prevailed from everywhere, especially in India, where people led agitations on the roads. The anger and anguish attracted the attention of Apex Court which commented sharply and asked the Centre Government to advice remedial measures to ensure safety, security and dignity of women. Accordingly SJKMS also conducted one day long workshop with the theme STOP ATROCITIES AND VIOLENCE against women. This workshop was attended by the student of three degree colleges, four intermediate college girls with large number of professors, intellectuals with many NGO heads. The platform given to them to share their opinion and suggestions to stop this evil. The media also gave a very good coverage to the program for which we are grateful to them, the suggestions and views of the participants were documented and handed over to the Chief Guest of the program Dr. Mrs. Sangya Meena, a professor of DAV College, Dehradun and wife of Additional Director General of Police to help the Government and responsible agencies to take appropriate action in this direction.