Computer Education To The Rural Youth
A New Beginning financially supported by Schmitz Stiftung, Germany through Frauen Wurde Manisita , Germany and being implemented by St. Joseph Manav Kalyan Sanstha (SJMKS), Rishikesh. Under this program with some other activities, the main activities are as follows:
Providing computer education to the rural youth (mainly girls) who are studying and also the school dropout.
Secondly generating awareness for pure drinking water by distributing water purifiers to 200 families of our target area in ten villages of Bahadrabad Block of Haridwar District.
The program started on 7th May2018 with an ordinary opening ceremony which was attended by some public representatives and Government officials with large number of community members. The computer education is being provided through a mobile van village to village in 3 different batches per day. Each batch contains minimum 20 students thus daily 60 students are getting benefit of this program, this is one year program and in this one year more than 240 students shall be completing basic computer training. (pics attached).
Computer Education to the girls of Rural Areas of Bahadrabad Block of Haridwar District. Though this project nearly 200 girls are being provided computer education with the financial support from Schmitz Stiftung and Manisita, Germany. This is one year program started from May 2018 and is being liked very much even many schools are approaching us to run this program for their students also.
We are pleased to see the progress of the program, it is good to see that more and more students are approaching our staff to run this program in their villages also in spite of knowing that this is only one year program.
Secondly there is a very good response from the villagers who have been given water purifier as at present they are more vigilant and vocal about contaminated water. The women are discussing the issue in their monthly SHG meetings and also making plans to raise the issue in their gram panchayat meeting with the public representatives. As per the information in this area, a large number of families are bound to drink dirty and contaminated water since many years which is having adverse effect on their health. But now they are raising their voices against this evil and started demanding from the Government department to provide them pure drinking water in the area.