Building the Nation
As we all know that education plays a very important role in the life, with this holistic approach, in the beginning we run 20 NFE (non formal education) centers in Doiwala block of Dehradun District with the help and support from our friends and well wishers locally. Later on we run more than 60 such centers in the rural and remote area of Bahadrabad and Bhagwanpur block with kind support from A H B, Bonn, Germany and Manos Unidas, Madrid, Spain. In these centers children deprived from the schools were provided primary education and after one year they used to be enrolled in the Government schools or even private schools to continue their studies when at present we are running 40 such centers with the kind support of Manos Unidas.

Apart from this one NEF center is being run for the street children who do not have access to school, here these children are being provided educative material and education for 3 hours per day and we are grateful to our friends and well wishers from Rishikesh and Manisita organization in Germany for their kind support to run this center in Rishikesh. Not only this we also run one computer centre for the girl students where basic computer education is being provided to the needy and poor children free of cost and this program is also being supported by Manisita organization, Germany. Around 30 children are being sponsored for their studies (Girls) in different schools of Uttarakhand and U.P.
In the year 2012-13 to promote the education, SJMKS with kind financial support from BMZ, Germany through Manisita organization, Germany provided following facilities to Nav Chetna School, Rishikesh where mostly the children from poor back ground are getting good education.
- 20 computers sets with computer room building.
- Construction of Library.
- Construction of basket ball court.
- Construction of toilets for boys and girls separately.
- Construction of over head water tank for pure drinking water.
- Providing school furniture.